Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Microsoft Confirms Yahoo's Lu to Run Online Services

former CEO of digital services and advertising and business AQUANTIVE Senior Vice President of Microsoft's Advertiser and Publisher Solutions Group, the transition from Microsoft in the coming few months, the company said.

Microsoft confirmed that opened Thursday a former Yahoo executive Qi Lu struggle for the Group of online services.

Lu, there is Yahoo's Vice President of Engineering Google for search advertising and Technology Group, as chairman of the Microsoft Online Services Group, 5 January, Microsoft said.

From left Yahoo in August after 10 years of the company.

AQUANTIVE Microsoft bought in May 2007 in U.S. $ 6 billion deal the largest acquisition the company should date. McAndrews Ballmer, with Lu and during the remaining time in the company to accelerate the transition to the new role of Lu, Microsoft said.

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